New research paper published by ValoFor team members!
Final Conference of the ForestValue Research Programme
Madrid, 28-29 September 2022, Royal Botanical Garden (RJB)
ValoFor project coordinator Dr. Silvio Schüler (BFW, AUT) and Katja Kavčič Sonnenschein (SFI) successfully presented the ValoFor project aims and results. Have a look at the presentation!
ValoFor team successfully published two research papers about European small-scale forest owners!
2 Common preferences of European small-scale forest owners towards contract-based management
More will follow soon!
ValoFor leaflet successfully published!
ValoFor team prepared an informative leaflet about the project aims and first results. Have a look at the Valofor_leaflet!
A successful online Stakeholder Workshop: Small Forests – Big Players. Can small scale forestry build a bio-based economy?
On 19th October, ValoFor organized an online workshop “Small Forests–Big Players: Can small scale forestry build a bio-based economy?” with more than 20 stakeholders from forest owners associations, wood and paper industry, and government organizations.
The outline for the first panel discussion was given by Dr. Silvio Schüler (BFW, AUT) and Prof. Dr. Kerstin (UU, SWE), who presented the ValoFor project aims and first results of the survey about the small-scale forest owners’ beliefs and perceptions across Europe. The panelists emphasized the importance of reliable forest organizations and an easy access to information that could boost forest owners’ engagement. The forest owners’ values reflect the values of the general society, and a responsible and sustainable management can be encouraged by individualized communication and tailored support programs.
In the second session Dr. Elena Haeler (BFW, AUT) presented how different forest management practices under certain climate scenarios could influence the future development of the forest and the ecosystem services it provides.
The panellists discussed the possibilities of different economic instruments to stimulate small-scale forest owners’ management and motivation. In particular, the growing demand for “payments” for ecosystem services might help to value the various benefits of sustainable forest management.
The general conclusions of two panel discussions emphasized the potential of small-scale forest owners to contribute to a bio-based economy, which might not only encompass timber markets but also the manifold other ecosystem services provided by forests.
Online Stakeholder Meeting, 19th of October 2021
Small Forests – Big Players. Can small scale forestry build a bio-based economy?
In the framework of our project ValoFor we are organizing an international stakeholder meeting and would like to invite you to participate in the panel discussion. The event will take place online on 19.10.2021 (Tuesday) from 13:00 to 16:00 (CEST) with representatives from the five partner countries. The presentations and discussions will be in English.
The event will consist of two sessions, each with an input presentation followed by a panel discussion. This would allow you and the representatives from other countries to be actively involved and exchange your views. To stimulate an insightful discussion we will prepare questions which will be sent to you beforehand. Welcome!
Venue The meeting will be delivered online (Zoom). For those interested in joining, send e-mail to for registration.
Agenda The stakeholder meeting will be on 19 October 2021 from 13:00 to 16:00 (CEST). Check the Agenda!
The ForestValue Research Programme Midterm Seminar 2020
The ForestValue Research Programme Midterm Seminar 2020 will give a unique opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the projects’ main fields of work: advanced forest management, forest management strategies and valorization, innovative harvesting techniques and wood as building material. Therefore, this event is particularly relevant to EU policy makers, academics, companies working in the forest-based sector, and various experts from private and public institutions.
Venue The seminar will be delivered online (GoToWebinar).
Agenda The seminar will be arranged in two morning sessions on 17-18 November at 10:00 – 13:30 CET. Check out the latest Agenda and use Registration form! Welcome!
We invite you to participate in a study on small-scale forest owners’ attitudes to forest management!
20th of January 2020, Hamburg, Germany
Small-scale forest owners are important as their perceptions and management strategies affect timber supply, ecosystem services and forest resilience in climate change. The project, ValoFor, reaches out to small-scale private forest owners in Austria, Finland, Germany, Slovenia and Sweden. One part of the project is to chart the characteristics of forest owners and to investigate their attitudes to different management strategies.
Taking part is voluntary, but we hope you will share your opinions. Your answers are important as they contribute to formulate future forest policies and management practices. Every answer is important, and the response rate will determine the overall reliability of the study.
Germany – Deutschland
HIER geht es zur ValoFor-Umfrage!
The Charm of Wood exhibition »Charm of cooperation: International collaboration for an innovative forest-based value chain«
3rd of May 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project ValoFor was presented by communication manager at the opening of the Charm of Wood exhibition »Charm of cooperation: International collaboration for an innovative forest-based value chain« organized by InnoRenew CoE in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
ForestValue Research Programme Kick-off Seminar
23rd to 24th of May 2019, Helsinki, Finland
Project ValoFor was presented by lead partner at the ForestValue Research Programme Kick-Off Seminar. The seminar brought together around 70 participants from all around Europe to learn about the 17 projects selected for funding under the 1st Joint Call of the ForestValue Research Programme and to exchange information and ideas among people with a common interest: innovating the forest-based bioeconomy.
ValoFor team members at the Kick-off meeting
ValoFor Kick-off meeting
19 to 22 of February 2019, Vienna, Austria
The project ValoFor Kick-off meeting was hosted by the lead partner Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW) in Vienna.